LONEX Seminar for start-ups from different cultures (deutsch/englisch)


TitelSeminar for start-ups from different cultures
WannDo, 25.08.2020, 10.00 – 16.00
Was und Wie
LONEX e.V., a long-term partner of LOK, is involved in the seminar series “Vielfalt gründet” organized by the IBB for entrepreneurs of non-german origin. These start-ups constitute a large part of all entrepreneurs in Germany’s capital city – and this trend continues to grow.
The business start-up seminar provides information on all aspects of foundation, including legal and financial issues. Lots of information about the consulting and funding opportunities will be given.
• Basics of entrepreneurship and legal forms
• Development of a viable business idea:
What ideas are promising?
What formalities must be observed?
• Business plan
• Some examples of successful start ups
• Requirements and key success factors for foundations
Teilnehmer*innenAll entrepreneurs of non-german origin
CoachIna Rathfelder
Umfangone day
Teilnehmerzahlup to15 persons
Kosten10.- including a deGUT-ticket
Anmeldung unterVielfalt gründet

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