LONEX Seminar Creative Industries (english) – online


TitelLONEX Seminar Creative Industries
WannMi, 25.05.2022, 10.00 – 16.00
Was und Wie
LONEX e.V., a long-term partner of LOK, is involved in the seminar series “Vielfalt gründet“ organized by the IBB for entrepreneurs of non-german origin. These start-ups constitute a large part of all entrepreneurs in Germany’s capital city – and this trend continues to grow.
The business start-up seminar “Creative Industries” provides information on all aspects of foundation in the creative sector, including legal and financial issues. Lots of information about the consulting and funding opportunities will be given.
• Basics of entrepreneurship and legal forms
• Development of a viable business idea:
What ideas are promising?
What formalities must be observed?
• Business plan
• Some examples of successful start ups
• Requirements and key success factors for foundations
Teilnehmer*innenAll entrepreneurs of non-german origin
CoachIna Rathfelder
Umfangone day
Teilnehmerzahlup to 20 persons
Kosten10.- including a deGUT-ticket
Anmeldung unterVielfalt gründet

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